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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Both Politcal Parties are the Same? False.

I keep hearing that there is little difference between the Republicans and Democrats. This is not true. There has never been greater difference between them. Below is a table with the known positions of the two parties on some issues. This is not all inclusive, but still gives a clear picture that the two parties are poles apart.

Republican Position

  1. The Constitution defines the basis of our law, when weighing constitutionality the original intent of the authors should be the guiding principal. The only valid method for changing the Constitution is via the amendment process.
  2. One of the basic responsibilities of the Federal Government it to protect the nation with a strong military. Our military must remain under the command of the United States and her military officers.
  3. Taxation is a burden on citizens and a limiting factor to our freedom. Excessive taxation depresses the economy and reduces incentive for new business. Taxes should be kept low and fair to all, those who earn money through their work or investment are entitled to keep as much of their income as possible. -
  4. The Federal Government is charged with protecting citizens of the United States and their rights. It should be meticulously and vigorously enforcing immigration law and protecting the border. Existing Immigration law needs little change; it mostly needs enforcing, including arresting and deporting all illegal aliens, arresting those who hire illegal aliens in violation of the law, and in providing secure borders.
  5. The unborn have a right to life. No life should be taken without due process. -
  6. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. -
  7. Any benefits, controls or limits that are applied to special interest groups should be equally applied to all. If unions and community political organizations are allowed to lobby congress, any groups with differing views, including religions should be able to lobby congress.
  8. The size and power of federal government should be limited; it is a burden on the citizens, and the states. Give citizens liberty and self-determination

Democrat Position

  1. The Constitution must continually change to remain relevant to changing times. The Supreme Court decides what is constitutional based on contemporary relevancy. - -
  2. A strong military must be maintained, but we do not need the current level of manpower and funding. We should work more with coalitions and alliances, particularly with the United Nations. -
  3. Taxes should paid on a graduated scale with the poor paying little or no taxes and those above poverty paying more, with the “rich” paying much more of their income in taxes. Taxes should be a way to redistribute wealth so that more people enjoy “economic justice.” Corporations are inherently greedy so must be taxed.
  4. Current immigration law makes it too difficult for people to come into the US to work, and too difficult for them to become citizens. We do not need more border security; our southern border has never been more secure. We cannot deport twelve million illegal aliens who are currently here, so we need to have a fast track for citizenship for these people. - -
  5. Women have right to unregulated use of abortion, including those done with government funding, and partial birth abortion.
  6. Any two adults who wish to be married should be able to do so, regardless of gender.
  7. Democrats protect the lobbying and organizational rights of unions and other organizations that fit their political ideals, but strive to suppress and limit those that take differing views. - -
  8. We need more government to protect the people from their own ignorance and excesses. The government is best equipped to help the people.

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