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Thursday, April 29, 2010

We're Sending Our Illegals to You

Dear Chicago,

It has been five years since I last visited you, one of several dozen visits through the years. I’m writing to tell you that I am deeply offended by your demonstrations and calls for boycott of things Arizona. I think I have a solution to both your concerns and those of the vast majority of citizens of the state of Arizona. Instead of having ICE and other law enforcement agencies send illegals back to their homeland, we will agree to ship all (600,000) to Chicago. There, since you are so concerned about something for which you have no knowledge, you can assure that the civil rights and dignity of these lawbreakers are protected.

I have worked near the Arizona/Mexico border and have witnessed this indignity first hand. Day after day Border Patrolmen in the Wellton Valley area would “arrest” dozens of these people. It wasn’t the way you normally visualize an arrest, with drawn guns and orders to surrender. No these arrests normally involve giving water to badly dehydrated people being separated from those who have already died. They transported them to medical attention as soon as possible and often hospitalization before they could be processed for repatriation back to their country, all at the expense of the United States. These people were treated with humanity and kindness, and many, many lives have been saved by our Border Patrol and drug enforcement officers. The same was true for the county deputies, highway patrolmen, and local police; they were concerned and kind to the plight of these people. The police here are not racists or “profilers” as the radical fools supposedly representing Hispanic American Citizens would have you believe; in fact many of them are themselves Hispanic.

Once you have received these people in Chicago, I hope you will be as humane as we have been. Be prepared for some surprises though. Very many of these people are as most of us think of them, simply desperately poor and only seeking work to feed their families. However, these are not the educated middle class of Mexico. Over two thirds of adult illegals have not graduated from high school. 57% of them have a pre-existing criminal record in either Mexico or the United States. Many if not most have never driven a car, but will drive without a license, in an unregistered, uninsured car. They cannot read the traffic signs and do not understand our rules of the road. They come from a culture unlike any in our country, where adult men date and marry very young girls; here they are considered child molesters. They also are much inclined to drinking, DUI, and being publicly drunk. Sixty percent of all hit and runs (that are resolved) are by illegal immigrants.

Arizona has one of the very highest levels of car theft, thanks to criminals who come from Mexico and return with a stolen vehicle. We are known as the kidnapping capital of America because human smugglers so often hold their clients in “drop houses” demanding ransom from relatives. Illegals make up an estimated 11% of the Arizona population, but nearly 30% of all crimes are committed by Illegals. Mexican gangs in the United States now control large areas of our Hispanic communities, and are major workers in the drug, human, stolen car, and arms smuggling business. While many of the Illegals simply want to do manual labor for much better pay than they could ever get at home, the large number of illegals masks the criminals and allows them to move easily through our communities.

Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (SB1070) copies the US immigration Law verbatim for much of its verbiage. It prohibits racial profiling, and provides needed funds to local law enforcement to house illegals until they can be turned over to federal officers. It is not racist, it does not allow profiling, and it will in the end protect Hispanic American Citizens as much if not more than any other. However, since you will believe any sound bite you hear, I suppose there will be no convincing you on this.

Anyway, please take these poor folks, care for them, educate them, provide them with police and emergency services, and feel free to ignore that they either have no social security number, or have a stolen or forged number. They will fill a vital role in Chicago of doing your construction work, gardening, landscaping, maid service, cooking, dishwashing, and general labor; having over half-million additional illegals competing for these jobs at minimum or lower wages, no benefits, and no protection from abuse should be of no concern to those citizens already doing those jobs. They will just have to adapt and work under similar conditions.

Meanwhile, maybe we can organize a boycott of Chicago for disrespecting their fellow citizens in Arizona.

Have a nice life,

Virgil Alexander

Tempe, AZ

Friday, April 23, 2010

Who Supports Making Illegals, well, Illegal?

Using the last US census figures for Arizona, there are 3.8 million white-non-Hispanic citizens out of a total population of 6.6 million. (The data is at the bottom of this article.) According to the most recent opinion polls, 70% of Arizonans (representing 4.6 million Arizonans) favor Senate Bill 1070. That means that if every single white non-Hispanic person is considered in favor of the bill (meaning people of all political parties, religions, and nationalities), there would be 800,000 non-white minority people who support the bill. This would be the minimal possible minority support, since obviously there are many white-non-Hispanic people who are opposed to the bill.

My opinion, which is not verifiable but is base only on observation, is that most of those foreign born legal residents are supportive of the bill. The exception to this might be foreign born Hispanics, who may differ from others because of a feeling kinship. However, those legal immigrants with whom I’ve had conversations, including Hispanics, are opposed to illegal immigration.

We know from state and federal estimates that the number of foreign born illegals in Arizona is much higher than the number from the 2000 census, which included most legal foreign born citizens or residents, illegals are notoriously under-reported in census and most other population counts. This is primarily due to the fact that they are not willing to talk to a census taker.

This becomes even more complicated because of the existence of “anchor babies” children who are born in the United States to illegal alien parents. These children are citizens who grow up as Americans, being educated here yet, because of their parents maintain strong ties to their Mexican or Latin American homeland and see nothing wrong with the way they gained their citizenship. My guess would be that several thousand of these children are participating in the current protests against the senate bill.

A political dirty trick is to use class and race to drive a wedge between citizens. The easiest way to apply this is through creating fear between racial or ethnic groups, and demonizing those who have opposing opinions. We are witnessing this from the mouths of left wing and Hispanic groups, and liberals in general. You see illogical attempts to label the supporters of SB1070 as Nazi’s, rednecks, haters, and racists. It is not about any of that it is about law and respect for the law.

The demographics of Arizona do not support the charges that SB1070 is a product of a lunatic right wing fringe element. They show that there have to be many (millions) of people from all segments of our population who support this bill.

White persons


White not Hispanic


White Hispanic


Other Hispanic


All Hispanic Origen


Black Persons


Native Americans




Pacific Islanders


All Foreign Born Persons


*From 2000 US Census

The total population of the state was 6.6 million

Total white population 5.7 million

White not Hispanic population 3.8 million

Total Hispanic Population 2.0 million

Number who favor HB1070 (by poll) 4.6 million

Others not white nor Hispanic 0.8 million

Total minority population 2.8 million

Total population foreign born 0.8 million

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arizona Outlaws Being an Outlaw

Why can’t we ever have honest debate without extreme hyperbole? When does it become HATE and RACIST to disagree with a person’s political view? Why do we have to depict the other side of the debate as Hitler, Stalin, or Klansmen? Such exaggeration adds nothing but anger to the discussion, and often backfires by putting the speaker (or sign holder) in a bad light.

Those who are currently protesting the new legislation making it against Arizona law to be in the state illegally are displaying signs with those words and images on them. This has nothing to do with Race, first of all because being a Mexican is a nationality not a race. The majority of Mexicans are a mix of Caucasian (Spanish), and Native American. Most multi-generational “Anglo-Americans” are also a mix of Caucasian (from all parts of Europe), Native American, and just about every race or nationality. Beyond Mexicans, Hispanics range from almost pure Caucasian, through various groups of indigenous peoples, Asians, and African peoples.

Since when is it “hate” to enforce laws that have been enacted by democratic process? Isn’t it closer to hate to disregard such laws, scoff at the will of the people? The citizens of this “hateful” country have done more to embrace and encourage success of legal immigrants that any country on earth. They give more to charity for countries of every race and religion than any other country ever has in history.

We have sacrificed the lives of our citizens to free slaves; this was not an uprising of the slaves, but an uprising of freemen with no personal interest in the fight except that which is right. We have overthrown great tyranny and protected downtrodden nations with our own blood. Then when it was over we rebuilt the rescued countries and gave back their self-determination. Even the defeated, nearly destroyed enemy countries were helped to the tune of trillions of dollars from both the government and the largess of our citizens. Instead of taking the spoils of war and adding them to our “empire” we gave them freedom. Japan, Germany, and Italy areeconomic powers today because of the unselfishness of the United States citizens.

I worked at Wellton, AZ where day after day I saw US Border Patrolmen rescue illegals who were dying in those desert sands. They were treated respectfully, provided with food, water, and medical care before being returned (all with no recompense to the US) back to Mexico. This is not hate, but compassion, compassion for those who disregard our laws.

The debate comes down to only one issue: Should we be encouraging and abetting people to violate our laws or should we hold them accountable for their actions? Yes they are poor and desperate, but would that justify them burglarizing or robbing? No. Neither does it justify them breaking and entering into our country.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Arizona Morning

I awoke to the sounds of mourning doves, a sound that transports me to the summer mornings of my childhood. I always thought they were "morning" doves. I lay still enjoying the feel of this new day, hearing now the faint calls and clucks of Gambels quail over the soft breathing of my lifetime girl and thinking what a lucky man I am.

I ease from the bed and move to the back patio. The sun has not yet broken over the craggy peaks that are the eastern wall of the valley, but the pink glow is quickly sliding to yellow. The air is cool and gently stirring. I was going to work on my current project, the history of a prominent Globe, Arizona ranch family, but instead found myself feeling the need to blog about this simple quiet morning.

It is a great blessing to have a some time of solitude to adjust ones spirit; as it is a blessing to have a common spirit to share it with.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Cost of Illegal Aliens

Most of you have probably heard about the murder of Arizona rancher Robert Krentz. Krentz operated a cattle ranch near the international boundary with Mexico. In the middle of the night he heard strange noises and went to investigate, he was ambushed and murdered along with his dog. Border Patrol trackers traced the steps of the murderer to a point where he crossed into Mexico. This terrible event has again elevated the issue of border security and illegal aliens in the minds of the public.

If it does nothing else it should provide evidence that terrorists and assassins can cross our porous border, commit acts of violence, then reenter Mexico with little chance of being detected or apprehended.

If I were a citizen of Mexico, I would probably try to get work in the US, because conditions in that country are so difficult for the poor; I have sympathy for their plight. However, we can’t continue to stand by as these millions of people break our laws by entering and working here illegally. The cost is simply too high.

Recall the events of May 1, 2006, the time of the big nationwide demonstrations called “A Day Without Immigrants,” thousands of these people publicly demonstrated, calling a general strike for that day. The actual impact on business was minimal and for the most part the demonstration back-fired in large part due to the presence of so many Mexican flags – the public had been unaware of how large the problem was before the demonstration.

Representative Steve King of Iowa’s Fifth Congressional District sent a letter to his constituents in which he said the problem wasn’t with immigrants, but with ILLEGAL immigrants and listed what a day without Illegal immigrants would do:
• There are twelve murders by illegals each day, so twelve people would still be alive.
• There are thirteen auto fatalities caused by illegals each day, so thirteen more people saved.
• There are eight children sexually molested by illegals each day, so eight children protected.
• There are hundreds of hit and run auto incidents committed by illegals each day
• In the border states, it’s estimated that 60 percent of all auto theft is by illegals
• Virtually all drug smuggling across the southern border is by illegals
• The National Park Service reports extreme negative environmental impact caused by illegals crossing parks
• Ranchers and homeowners near the border report continual theft, vandalism, and littering by illegals
• Emergency rooms on the day with no illegals would be able to handle actual emergencies
• Traffic congestion would be reduced, commute times would decrease, fuel use reduced, and pollution reduced.

One other cost that isn’t mentioned, but is very real and for me personal, it the cost of driving without insurance and running from the scene of accidents. I was hit by a driver who suddenly changed lanes hitting the front of my vehicle and doing severe damage to the front end and steering, and damaging the left side and rear of the other car. The driver, a man of about thirty who looked to me to be Hispanic or Native American, didn’t even slow down – he sped away and entered the freeway. Two drivers who witnessed the accident pursued the car, getting the license number and a description of the driver.

It turned out he was an illegal driving a car he had registered in the name of his American girl friend, but by the time the police tracked her down and identified him, he was gone. My truck was totaled, there was no insurance, and he got away, so it cost my insurance company about $8,000 dollars and me about $3,000 to replace my truck, plus the cost and increased workload for the police investigation. The officer told me that most of their hit and runs are eventually identified as being illegals, at least in Arizona.

The cost of allowing the status quo with illegal immigration and the potential for crime and terrorism on a large scale are simply too much to ignore; we must get control of our borders and allow only honest workers to gain entry to our country.