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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arizona Outlaws Being an Outlaw

Why can’t we ever have honest debate without extreme hyperbole? When does it become HATE and RACIST to disagree with a person’s political view? Why do we have to depict the other side of the debate as Hitler, Stalin, or Klansmen? Such exaggeration adds nothing but anger to the discussion, and often backfires by putting the speaker (or sign holder) in a bad light.

Those who are currently protesting the new legislation making it against Arizona law to be in the state illegally are displaying signs with those words and images on them. This has nothing to do with Race, first of all because being a Mexican is a nationality not a race. The majority of Mexicans are a mix of Caucasian (Spanish), and Native American. Most multi-generational “Anglo-Americans” are also a mix of Caucasian (from all parts of Europe), Native American, and just about every race or nationality. Beyond Mexicans, Hispanics range from almost pure Caucasian, through various groups of indigenous peoples, Asians, and African peoples.

Since when is it “hate” to enforce laws that have been enacted by democratic process? Isn’t it closer to hate to disregard such laws, scoff at the will of the people? The citizens of this “hateful” country have done more to embrace and encourage success of legal immigrants that any country on earth. They give more to charity for countries of every race and religion than any other country ever has in history.

We have sacrificed the lives of our citizens to free slaves; this was not an uprising of the slaves, but an uprising of freemen with no personal interest in the fight except that which is right. We have overthrown great tyranny and protected downtrodden nations with our own blood. Then when it was over we rebuilt the rescued countries and gave back their self-determination. Even the defeated, nearly destroyed enemy countries were helped to the tune of trillions of dollars from both the government and the largess of our citizens. Instead of taking the spoils of war and adding them to our “empire” we gave them freedom. Japan, Germany, and Italy areeconomic powers today because of the unselfishness of the United States citizens.

I worked at Wellton, AZ where day after day I saw US Border Patrolmen rescue illegals who were dying in those desert sands. They were treated respectfully, provided with food, water, and medical care before being returned (all with no recompense to the US) back to Mexico. This is not hate, but compassion, compassion for those who disregard our laws.

The debate comes down to only one issue: Should we be encouraging and abetting people to violate our laws or should we hold them accountable for their actions? Yes they are poor and desperate, but would that justify them burglarizing or robbing? No. Neither does it justify them breaking and entering into our country.

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