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Friday, April 23, 2010

Who Supports Making Illegals, well, Illegal?

Using the last US census figures for Arizona, there are 3.8 million white-non-Hispanic citizens out of a total population of 6.6 million. (The data is at the bottom of this article.) According to the most recent opinion polls, 70% of Arizonans (representing 4.6 million Arizonans) favor Senate Bill 1070. That means that if every single white non-Hispanic person is considered in favor of the bill (meaning people of all political parties, religions, and nationalities), there would be 800,000 non-white minority people who support the bill. This would be the minimal possible minority support, since obviously there are many white-non-Hispanic people who are opposed to the bill.

My opinion, which is not verifiable but is base only on observation, is that most of those foreign born legal residents are supportive of the bill. The exception to this might be foreign born Hispanics, who may differ from others because of a feeling kinship. However, those legal immigrants with whom I’ve had conversations, including Hispanics, are opposed to illegal immigration.

We know from state and federal estimates that the number of foreign born illegals in Arizona is much higher than the number from the 2000 census, which included most legal foreign born citizens or residents, illegals are notoriously under-reported in census and most other population counts. This is primarily due to the fact that they are not willing to talk to a census taker.

This becomes even more complicated because of the existence of “anchor babies” children who are born in the United States to illegal alien parents. These children are citizens who grow up as Americans, being educated here yet, because of their parents maintain strong ties to their Mexican or Latin American homeland and see nothing wrong with the way they gained their citizenship. My guess would be that several thousand of these children are participating in the current protests against the senate bill.

A political dirty trick is to use class and race to drive a wedge between citizens. The easiest way to apply this is through creating fear between racial or ethnic groups, and demonizing those who have opposing opinions. We are witnessing this from the mouths of left wing and Hispanic groups, and liberals in general. You see illogical attempts to label the supporters of SB1070 as Nazi’s, rednecks, haters, and racists. It is not about any of that it is about law and respect for the law.

The demographics of Arizona do not support the charges that SB1070 is a product of a lunatic right wing fringe element. They show that there have to be many (millions) of people from all segments of our population who support this bill.

White persons


White not Hispanic


White Hispanic


Other Hispanic


All Hispanic Origen


Black Persons


Native Americans




Pacific Islanders


All Foreign Born Persons


*From 2000 US Census

The total population of the state was 6.6 million

Total white population 5.7 million

White not Hispanic population 3.8 million

Total Hispanic Population 2.0 million

Number who favor HB1070 (by poll) 4.6 million

Others not white nor Hispanic 0.8 million

Total minority population 2.8 million

Total population foreign born 0.8 million

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