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Thursday, April 29, 2010

We're Sending Our Illegals to You

Dear Chicago,

It has been five years since I last visited you, one of several dozen visits through the years. I’m writing to tell you that I am deeply offended by your demonstrations and calls for boycott of things Arizona. I think I have a solution to both your concerns and those of the vast majority of citizens of the state of Arizona. Instead of having ICE and other law enforcement agencies send illegals back to their homeland, we will agree to ship all (600,000) to Chicago. There, since you are so concerned about something for which you have no knowledge, you can assure that the civil rights and dignity of these lawbreakers are protected.

I have worked near the Arizona/Mexico border and have witnessed this indignity first hand. Day after day Border Patrolmen in the Wellton Valley area would “arrest” dozens of these people. It wasn’t the way you normally visualize an arrest, with drawn guns and orders to surrender. No these arrests normally involve giving water to badly dehydrated people being separated from those who have already died. They transported them to medical attention as soon as possible and often hospitalization before they could be processed for repatriation back to their country, all at the expense of the United States. These people were treated with humanity and kindness, and many, many lives have been saved by our Border Patrol and drug enforcement officers. The same was true for the county deputies, highway patrolmen, and local police; they were concerned and kind to the plight of these people. The police here are not racists or “profilers” as the radical fools supposedly representing Hispanic American Citizens would have you believe; in fact many of them are themselves Hispanic.

Once you have received these people in Chicago, I hope you will be as humane as we have been. Be prepared for some surprises though. Very many of these people are as most of us think of them, simply desperately poor and only seeking work to feed their families. However, these are not the educated middle class of Mexico. Over two thirds of adult illegals have not graduated from high school. 57% of them have a pre-existing criminal record in either Mexico or the United States. Many if not most have never driven a car, but will drive without a license, in an unregistered, uninsured car. They cannot read the traffic signs and do not understand our rules of the road. They come from a culture unlike any in our country, where adult men date and marry very young girls; here they are considered child molesters. They also are much inclined to drinking, DUI, and being publicly drunk. Sixty percent of all hit and runs (that are resolved) are by illegal immigrants.

Arizona has one of the very highest levels of car theft, thanks to criminals who come from Mexico and return with a stolen vehicle. We are known as the kidnapping capital of America because human smugglers so often hold their clients in “drop houses” demanding ransom from relatives. Illegals make up an estimated 11% of the Arizona population, but nearly 30% of all crimes are committed by Illegals. Mexican gangs in the United States now control large areas of our Hispanic communities, and are major workers in the drug, human, stolen car, and arms smuggling business. While many of the Illegals simply want to do manual labor for much better pay than they could ever get at home, the large number of illegals masks the criminals and allows them to move easily through our communities.

Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (SB1070) copies the US immigration Law verbatim for much of its verbiage. It prohibits racial profiling, and provides needed funds to local law enforcement to house illegals until they can be turned over to federal officers. It is not racist, it does not allow profiling, and it will in the end protect Hispanic American Citizens as much if not more than any other. However, since you will believe any sound bite you hear, I suppose there will be no convincing you on this.

Anyway, please take these poor folks, care for them, educate them, provide them with police and emergency services, and feel free to ignore that they either have no social security number, or have a stolen or forged number. They will fill a vital role in Chicago of doing your construction work, gardening, landscaping, maid service, cooking, dishwashing, and general labor; having over half-million additional illegals competing for these jobs at minimum or lower wages, no benefits, and no protection from abuse should be of no concern to those citizens already doing those jobs. They will just have to adapt and work under similar conditions.

Meanwhile, maybe we can organize a boycott of Chicago for disrespecting their fellow citizens in Arizona.

Have a nice life,

Virgil Alexander

Tempe, AZ

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